July 15, 2020

Workplace Dictatorship

I won a battle today.
Everyday, somewhere, someone is entering this battleground. The battleground of workplace dictatorship.

This supposedly predominant issue, racing from top tier to the bottom, receives utmost meagre limelight more so often. Leaving us with the feeling of no choice but acceptance of a broken system, a mis-spelled small problem and a *survival gear to keep our stomachs full.

Throughout history, refusal to gulp down injustice, dishonesty, violation of rules has been frowned upon. It is frowned upon, not merely by the people in power, but also the followers, who when given the minutest power to exhale even a spark of fire, would not fail to do so.
The question here is, if humankind is prone to change overnight and become a devil, when given slightest hint of power?
Is this a vicious loop of realization of the *survival gear, to keep their stomachs full?

In the name of fighting through to find your way, reaching the pinnacle by crushing shoulders instead of just brushing against them, we as humans fall prey to this broken system at a workplace. The cracks are so wide, yet camouflaged, if we dare pause on them to breathe fresh air, we would crash fall; hanging on the edge with one hand, to rescue ourselves. Before someone, from the herd within this broken system, crushes down on your hand till you let go.

This embedded phenomenon called ‘dictatorship’, at workplaces, is so common and widespread, we almost find it normal, natural and political. Out of the two black & white sects of employees, sincere & disingenuous, the ones who raise hand against the dictators are not black OR white. They are those who would tear wide open the camouflage and try to bridge those cracks.
They are in you,
they are in me,
they are in all those people who acknowledge & fight against this system; this wobbly broken system.

The honest gathering of courage to oppose this dictatorship, is what wrote wins in history. After all, injustice has no scale, dishonesty has no measure and violation of any rule is still, unacceptable.
Eyebrows are raised when one speaks about harassment at workplaces, as though it is their own home. It is laughed off to have a torturous boss, again with the feeling of having no choice but acceptance.

Although, in the end, the truth is, we spend 3/4th of our lives in a place that fills our stomach, builds our career and most importantly, is responsible for our happiness.

The question arises, should we accept dictatorship, sail that boat, which on overloading would throw you into the sea?
Should we swim through hard waters but till the finish line, happy and content? As though you have won some battle.